The Night Of The Vampire Bunnies is a text-adventure game originally written for GW-BASIC by Jason Dyer, and later ported to QBASIC. The storyline is deliberately silly and simple: your task is to slay an evil bunny before midnight or the countryside "will be ruled by evil." You start your adventure in a carrot field next to the town's graveyard.
The coding style is still very much unchanged from GW-BASIC: the program uses many commands per line, includes outdated instructions such as "KEY OFF" (it used to hide the shortcut hint bar at the bottom of the screen if my memory serves me right,) has no subroutines, never explicitely declares variables, doesn't include user-defined types, uses line number extensively and is overall a prime example of spaggethi code (eh, that's GW-BASIC for ya'.)
Style aside, the code is rather well-structured, uses a simple system to connect the various areas as to unify moving from one point to another with very few exceptions (all done via a double-indexed array and loaded with DATA statements.) Items are described via three arrays (name displayed in game, name used in the parser, and its current area location) so that they can easily be identified and retrieved where the player left them. All room-bound objects and actions are however hard-coded.
Gameplay wise, it's your run-of-the-mill text-based adventure game. Some puzzles requires you to fail and learn from your mistake (for instance, a vial containing a myserious liquid will only be revealed to be poison AFTER you swallowed it,) many objects are red herrings and some rooms are utterly useless which may be confusing and put you on the wrong track. On the plus side, the game has some quality of life improvements like automatically listing all the object readily available when you enter an area (although it is sometime necessary to examine the area to discover "hidden" objects.)
The parser only recognizes the first five letters of each word, a very common trick used by early text-based aventure games to speed up parsing and reduce memory usage. This observation aside, it is also very robust (case-insensitive,) flexible (supports synonyms,) and provides some convenient features such as joining multiple commands via "AND" or "THEN" (for instance: "EXAMINE FLOOR AND TAKE CARROT THEN GO EAST",) or repeating the last commands with "AGAIN."
All in all, it's a very polished game with only a couple of typos and one major bug (it is possible to soft-lock yourself at one point, which will require you to CTRL+PAUSE your way out.) As usual with that kind of game, I'd advise you to draw a map, check your inventory (type "INVENTORY",) and examine your surroundings when in doubt. The adventure isn't too long but may take a couple of hours to complete if you're not used to the genre. I'm also including a walkthrough just in case. It's a cool game. Check it out.