TYPE config continues AS INTEGER ' INTEGERs are 2-byte long login AS STRING * 8 ' This string is 8-byte long sndfx AS INTEGER ' INTEGERs are 2-byte long music AS INTEGER ' INTEGERs are 2-byte long END TYPE DIM SHARED cfg AS config ' settings for the whole program cfg.continues = 3 ' default number of continues cfg.login = "username" ' player name cfg.sndfx = 1 ' allow sound effects cfg.music = 9 ' sound card index to use ' display the content of {cfg} in hexadecimal DEF SEG = VARSEG(cfg) FOR i% = 0 TO len(cfg) - 1 ' length of [config] PRINT " &h" + HEX$(PEEK(VARPTR(cfg) + i%)); NEXT i%